The Inspirational Blog Award!

20140722-195226-71546982The Inspirational Blog Award!

Very Inspiring Blogger Award – Keeping the Blogosphere a Beautiful Place

(Oh My Goodness!) Thank you so much to sweet Nessa, from the lovely thatchicfashionblog for this nomination!

Now, here are the rules you have to follow for this award:

1.Thank and link back to the blogger who nominated you.
2.List the rules and display the award.
3.Share seven facts about yourself.
4.Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
5.Optional: display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

So 7 facts about me:

1 I prefer Winter to Summer, and my favourite time of the year is Christmas!

2 My style has changed a lot over the years, it has become more and more “preppy” and “retro chic”

3 I love those feminine Summer dresses, with a touch of “retro” style – the only reason for me to tolerate hot weather

4 I’m the only woman in the house (maybe that’s why my blog has so much pretty stuff… I can’t help it!)

5 I love a god laugh!…

6 I love to watch people (while having a “croissant-au-chocolat” and a “caffé-au-lait”)

7 I love chocolate…


And my lovely nominees are:

1 alittletasteofmine

2 Shivaaydelights

3 Hopeandloveradio

4 Relevantbeautyideas

5 cookandfashion

6 amyelizabethlily

7 prettydrasticmoves

8 ZarasWorld

9 thatbowgirl

10 the30somethingwanderer

11 mySmallRayofSunshine

12 ScottysMom

13 ovonni

14 Yoshiko

15 ThePanwarPalace


Have an inspiring day everybody!

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